May 2024

As the anniversary of the great civil protests of the Iranian people that began in September last year approaches, the dictatorial mullah regime ruling Iran, fearing a new wave of civil protests, has launched a new wave of arbitrary arrests of released prisoners as well as their family members and relatives of those killed during the civil protests. In the last few days, a large number of these people have been arrested at their homes or workplaces in different cities of the country and taken to unknown places.

"This shocking crime must be stopped as soon as possible!"

A large number of prisoners who have been in prison for more than 10 years, as well as hundreds of demonstrators in different cities of Kurdistan and other provinces of Iran, have been arrested under different pretexts and taken to the dreaded Qezal Hesar prison in Karaj, where the minimum standards of hygiene, food and humane accommodation are lacking.
This regime has also executed more than 850 prisoners alone in 2023.

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In addition to international appeals, especially to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations and the United Nations Human Rights Council, vigils and public relations, Verein Welle has launched an international campaign to prevent the execution and torture of detained protesters, especially women and youth. 
We have experienced for years, the only way is to exert more and more international and legal pressure as well as with more and more publications. With continuous campaigns and pressure, we can tie the hands of the mullahs and prevent executions.

Please help us with your best efforts. Every minute counts and every
help saves lives!



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